Note: Online Vehicle Upload Center
This upload is free to you the seller. We ask for your credit card information to make sure you are an adult and uploading a real vehicle.
The only time we charge you is if you have a reserve or if you sell the vehicle outside of our auction.
We will charge the winning bidder of your vehicle the greater of $50 or 5% of the selling price.
We will collect it from them and issue them an invoice for the full price to bring to you along with a Cashier's Check or Cash.

You may be held responsible for the 5% fee if
they fail to pay for any reason, we then ask you collect and remit to us.
or if you do not sell the vehicle for the invoiced amount.

Walt Cade, CAI, ATS, BAS, CES, TxLic# 16645 LaLic#1726
305 D K Ellis Rd, Longview, Tx 75602, Phone: 903-738-7821

Copyright © 2009-2019 Walt Cade Auctions.